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Our Vision

White Rabbit Films is an award-winning, London-based independent production company.


At the heart of our work is a belief in the transformational power of film - to engage, provoke, inspire and connect us, and ultimately change the way we see the world. 


We produce creative documentary-influenced films. We specialise in sensitive access and building relationships of trust that allow us to tell complex and multi-layered stories through a psycho-social and intersectional lens.


We currently have two exciting, long-form film projects in development: Forgiveness with Film4 and the Sundance Institute, and Shooting Kids with the BFI.

White Rabbit was founded in 2008 by BAFTA-nominated director Elizabeth Stopford. Her experience spans broadcast television as well as independent projects, with a focus on psycho-social, philosophical and spiritual themes. She produced and directed three series for the BBC about modernity and monastic life: The Monastery, The Convent, and The Big Silence; two films for BBC Storyville, The New Kings of Nigeria and the Grierson award-winning I’m Not Dead Yet; and the BAFTA-nominated We Need To Talk About Dad for Channel 4. She has increasingly drawn on somatic approaches to develop a new form of cinematic storytelling in service of systems change.

© 2015 Whiterabbitfilms

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